ERASMUS + 2016


Prvi projektni sestanek se je odvijal v Estoniji med 21. in 25. novembrom 2016. Koordinatorji in člani projektnih timov na partnerskih šolah smo se srečali v estonskem mestu Puka. Srečanje je bilo namenjeno spoznavanju partnerjev, usklajevanju datumov srečanj in načrtovanju aktivnosti v prihodnosti. Pobliže smo se seznanili s temo projekta, obiskali smo šolo gostiteljico ter lokalna podjetja.
Prvo srečanje, ki bo namenjeno izmenjavi dijakov, se bo odvijalo v Grčiji, v mestu Kavala, od 6. do 10. marca 2017. Tema srečanja je »Kriteriji ocenjevanja podjetniške ideje«.
Drugo srečanje bo potekalo v Sloveniji, na naši šoli, od 3. do 7. aprila 2017. Tema srečanja je »Analiza pridobljenih »mehkih veščin«.
Tretje srečanje bo novembra 2017 v Lancianu, v Italiji. Tema srečanja je »Predstavitev idej v podjetniškem inkubatorju«.
Četrto srečanje bo potekalo februarja 2018 v Istanbulu, v Turčiji. Tema se glasi: »Veščine potrebne za delo v mednarodni skupini«.
Drugi, zaključni, projektni sestanek bo maja 2018 v Puki, v Estoniji.

We had our first transnational meeting for the project in Puka, Estonia between 21th and 25th November, 2016.  It was for school coordinators and for school`s representatives only. It was a great experience for all of us. We met each other, some for the first time in person, and we agreed on many things considering our common project.

First short-term exchange student exchange will be in Kavala, Greece – 6th to March 10th 2017
Sub-theme: “Criteria and assessment features of an entrepreneurial idea”

Second short-term exchange student exchange will be in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia – 3rd to 7th April 2017
Sub-theme: “Analysis of the acquired “soft skills”

Third short-term exchange student exchange will be in Lanciano, Italy – November 2017
Sub-theme: “Presenting the ideas in “Business incubator”

Fourth short-term exchange student exchange will be in Istanbul, Turkey – February 2018
Sub-theme: “Skills for working in an international team”

The second transnational meeting will be in Puka, Estonia – May 2018


Glavni cilj projekta, ki vključuje pet šol iz petih različnih držav, je določiti kriterij za uspešno umestitev določene podjetniške ideje na evropski trg.
Namen našega projekta je razvijanje podjetniških spretnosti dijakov, razvijanje finančnih kompetenc, komunikacijskih veščin in spodbujanje timskega dela. Leto 2017 je proglašeno za Evropsko leto podjetništva in v tem letu bomo predstavili veliko naših aktivnosti in rezultatov. Našim dijakom želimo ponuditi najboljše možnosti za razvoj podjetniških spretnosti, hkrati pa želimo, da se soočijo s socialno realnostjo in jih vzpodbuditi za prostovoljno delo. Delali bomo na razvijanju empatije do ljudi, ki imajo težave in vzpodbujali medsebojno pomoč. Zaradi tega je prostovoljstvo drugi, pomemben del našega projekta.
Za komunikacijo med partnerji bomo uporabljali angleščino in s tem vzpodbujali nadaljnje učenje in izpopolnjevanje, strokovni jezik bomo spoznavali skozi pisanje priročnika »Uspešni koraki v podjetništvu«.

Our project aims at developing the entrepreneurship skills of students by means of the method learning through working, as well as at raising the level of financial competence, communication and presentation skills, and the ability to work in a team or the so- called “soft skills”. The project will present its activities and products mainly in 2017, which is declared a European year of Entrepreneurship. We want to give our students the best possibilities for developing their entrepreneurship skills but also to make them face  the social realities  motivating them for doing voluntary work. We will put efforts in cultivating self- awareness towards different people, empathy towards the ones that suffer and a desire to share the value to help each other. That is why volunteering is the second important point that will be present in our project. If a person is surrounded with models which express an urge for helping others, the chances to adopt these models are really great. This is a project which will encourage the study of vocational English language in the sphere of entrepreneurship by writing a handbook “Successful steps in entrepreneurship” and the use of English language as a working base with the students from the partner countries.
The fundamental aim of the project, which enlists five schools from five different countries, is to establish criteria for successful implementation of a given entrepreneurship idea on the European market.
